Simply Fashion is a new and upcoming fashion brand. It's a sustainable fashion company that values the planet and the consumer. Originating in Buffalo, Simply Clothes' target consumer are young women between the ages of 15-35. Fast fashion companies that aren't sustainably operated have been known to be one the top causes of pollution and green house gas emissions. Fast fashion brand also are known to exploit it's workers to terrible, life threatening working conditions. As a sustainable company, Simply Clothing uses recycled clothing material to create it's garments. Another thing to point out is that other sustainable fashion companies are very expensive. The goal of Simply Clothing is to make sustainable fashion affordable as well. The pieces they will be selling include timeless pieces inspired by the 1970's. There's patterns and colors suck as pinks, oranges, and greens. Style always comes back around, and Simply Clothing is ready to offer is valuable customers fun and cute pieces that are good for the planet and the consumer's wallet. Simply Clothing will be opening up it's first store on Elmwood Avenue in Buffalo, NY this summer of 2021. It also has an Instagram page, @itssimplyclothing. The consumer can also check out the brands clothes available on it's website,
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